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    We at BAMOU chose the vegan philosophy out of compassion for all beings and especially for our home, planet Earth. Being vegan is an act of love for others, practicing the awareness that all your actions, from the smallest to the biggest choices, cause direct and indirect actions in the lives of all beings.

    Our company is vegan because we understand that if we continue with our exploitative lifestyle we will quickly fall into a rhythm of catastrophic loss. As David Attenborough warns in a BBC interview: “… above all there needs to be a change of perspective. A shift – from viewing nature not as something optional or ‘nice to have’, but as our greatest ally in restoring balance to our world.” (

    Unbridled deforestation has increased areas affected by desertification, as in the Iberian Peninsula, and arenization, as in the Pampas Gaúchos. This is why the UN is calling for a change in our consumption and production habits, warning that the production of clothing and footwear, which in 2020 already contributed directly to 8% of greenhouse gas emissions, may increase to 50% by 2030.


    The time for change has passed!


    The Amazon is turning into pasture land. Only in January 2022, according to G1 (, the Amazon suffered a deforestation of 430km², of which 70% is for pastures and the remaining 30% are destined to the plantation of cereals that serve as food for the cattle (source: Jornal Estadão). (,relatorio-revela-que-70-do-desmatamento-na-amazonia-ocorre-para-criacao-de-gado,70003325786)

    Ethics is the principle of veganism.


    When we understand this, we realize that its concept is simple and is based on caring for everything that surrounds us. It is to stop seeing plants, animals and minerals simply as resources to have what you want.

    The moment we choose to live according to the principle of communion rather than exploitation, and come across the fact that a pair of leather shoes consumes 17,100 litres of water, something stops making sense. The need to find alternatives becomes clear, and that is what impelled us.



    Our planet. Our mission.


    The Earth is our home, the common home of all sentient and non-sentient beings. And it is up to us, the current residents, to take care of it so that something will still be there for the next ones to come. When we choose a vegan company, we do not limit ourselves to caring for animals, but we take it to the ethical and ecological consciousness.

    For us, it is necessary to worry about the production cycle, with the reuse of our materials and the care of all those who work with our shoes. We are small with dreams of giants, and it is like this, with punctual and conscious actions that we contribute to a better world.

    Join us to learn more about the vegan practice and how to insert it into your daily life.